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Month: April 2017

The London Artists Studio Tour

The London Artists Studio Tour

Spring has sprung and the London Studio Tour is coming shortly!  Even though Peter and I have had our busiest winter yet we managed to make some incredible and fresh new paintings for you to look at!

Here is the Studio Tour Website so you can get the details of the tour.

You will not want to miss this weekend (April 20, 21, and 22).  Steve Sawchuk will be there playing Classical guitar, some treats and drinks, and a house/studio filled with art.  There are also 35 other artists to check out and get inspired by.  This is the biggest Studio Tour London has had.

Here are just a few of our newest pieces of art for you to get a sneak peak at.  Thanks for having a look and we hope to see you at our home and studio!

There Are five images of Peter’s and five of mine (Corinne), all orginal oils paintings and will be showing at the tour:


